Coupon Lingo

Coupon Lingo

In ever deal matchup's and posts on Going Crazy for Coupons or other blogs there are acronyms used. I have compiled a list of the most popular ones to make it alittle easier! It may look like a lot, but trust me you start to remember them quick!!!

·         AC - After Coupon - Generally refers to the price after the coupon is deducted)
·         AR - After Rebate - Generally refers to the price after the rebate is deducted)
·         Blinkies - Blinkies (Smart Source Coupon Machines) are small red dispensers that blink in order to attract shoppers.
·         BOGO, B1G1 - Buy One Get One. If all you see is BOGO, it generally means if you buy one item, then you get one (usually the same item) for free.
·         CATALINA or CAT - These coupons printed separately from the grocery store receipt although they are printed on receipt-like paper and handed to the customer. The coupons can be used at the store where you received them.
·         CNP - Coupon Near Product - When a coupon is displayed near a product.
·         CPN - Coupon
·         CRT - Cash Register Tape
·         DND - Do not Double
·         ECB - ExtraCare Bucks you can use at CVS/pharmacy only.
·         EXP - Expires
·         FAR - Free After Rebate
·         GC - Gift Card, Gift Certificate
·         GM - General Mills (Coupon Insert you will find in the Sunday Papers. These seem to come out every month or so.)
·         HBA - The health and beauty aid section in the grocery store
·         HT OR HGT - Hang tags for refunds or coupons hanging on a product
·         IVC - Walgreen's Instant Value Coupon
·         IP - Internet Printable Coupon
·         K - Kellogg's - Sunday paper coupon insert.
·         MFR - Manufacturer or Manufacturer's Coupon
·         MIR - Mail in Rebate
·         NED - No Expiration Date
·         OOP - Out of Pocket
·         OOS - Out of Stock
·         OYNO - On Your Next Order
·         P&G - Proctor & Gamble
·         Peelie - Peelies are coupons attached directly to the product.
·         PSA - Prices Starting At
·         Q - Coupon
·         RC - Raincheck
·         RP - Red Plum Sunday Supplement Coupons
·         RR - Register Rewards (Walgreens)
·         SS - Smart Source coupons insert found in the Sunday newspaper.
·         TEAR PAD, TP - Tear Pads are pads with coupons or rebate forms attached and are usually located on the shelf or displayed near the advertised product. The coupons/rebates can be used in any store that accepts manufacturer's coupons.
·         UPC - Universal Product Code
·         WYB - When You Buy
·         +UP - can only be used at a Rite Aid only